Sunday, May 19, 2013

365 Project: Week Eight

Superheros are pretty much all the boys think about these days.  Superheros and chocolate.

A little February citrus.  I had a bunch of oranges around, so I made fresh-squeezed orange juice for the boys one morning, and Dash proceeded to ask for it for a week.  Not a chance, kiddo.

Our old living room.

Great smile, bad photo quality.  I swear, January and February are the roughest part of the 365 Project.  If you can get through these months, you can sail through the rest of the year.

Intense Tinker Toy session with Grandpa.

Mr. E and I went to see the Washington Wizards play the Houston Rockets.  Jeremy Lin was playing (he's number 7), and -- totally coincidentally I'm sure -- it was "Asian Heritage Night" at the arena. (iPhone photo)

This is actually the week with the Sunday photo that I'm keeping private.  I corrected the previous post and added another photo to it.  I wish it were easier to see the dates of pictures you take on your iPhone.  It would make my editing process easier.  (Not waiting three months to start the editing process would also make it easier!)

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