Wednesday, May 15, 2013

365 Project: Week Four

So behind, you guys.  So many pictures to edit!

We've made the move to West Virginia.  It's been about six weeks, and our new house is (mostly) unpacked.  I'm starting to think about paint colors and where to hang pictures -- the fun stuff.

It's a little daunting to be so behind on editing and posting photos, but the good news is that through all the craziness I've been faithful about actually still taking a picture a day.  Many of them have been with my iPhone, or just snapped in a rush, so I'm not going to claim that I've made great strides with my photography of late.  But I'm so glad I've kept it up.  It's kind of fun to go through these photos from the winter now and think about our hectic few months.

Our Virginia house was newly on the market this week.  It was kind of a hassle to keep the house in ready-to-show condition, and it seemed like realtors would call every night exactly when I was starting to make dinner.  This particular night we had a dinnertime showing, so we hit the mall (this was at the Lego store) to kill time and have dinner. (iPhone photo)

Our realtor hosted a lunch for other brokers at the house, so the boys and I were at my parents' for the day.  Here they're having an afternoon snack of popcorn.

Tuck, concentrating.

This was a big day.  The boys both have had some relatively severe food allergies since they were babies.  We spent the day at Hopkins while they had some "food challenges" -- basically testing the allergies in a controlled clinical environment.  It went really well, and we were told that Tuck could start eating small amounts of milk, which was the best possible news. (iPhone photo)

Killing time at Target during another showing. (iPhone photo)

My clean kitchen.  We had already taken down our Nelson bubble light, since we were planning to take it with us.  The replacement was a $40 model from Home Depot -- and it was pretty nice, actually.

Sunday there was an open house at our home, so we were at my parents'.  We'd already received two serious offers at that point, and we spent much of the day going back-and-forth with our realtor over counteroffers and escalation clauses and the like.  It was really comforting to know that the house was going to sell quickly and we were likely going to get a good price for it.

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