Wednesday, June 27, 2012

365 Project: Week Twenty-Five

Horsing around on Mommy and Daddy's bed after baths.

Whenever we open a bottle of wine, I write the date on it and throw it in this punch bowl.  It makes a nice decorative piece on top of our hutch, and it's a nice way to use the punch bowl -- which I've never actually used to serve punch.

These days, Dash likes to get out "his" camera whenever I get out mine.

I believe Tuck was looking up at a helicopter -- a "huh-ca-ca" -- here.

The boys call this narrow space in our yard between an ivy-covered wall and a row of forsythia bushes their "tunnel."  We're planning to tear out those bushes this fall because the place is more like Mosquito Alley.

This plastic playmat has gotten a lot of use lately.

Crocs.  Look how small the boys' are next to mine!  I love toddlers.

Yay; I'm all caught up with photos now!

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