Monday, March 19, 2012

365 Project: Week Eleven

Daffodils from the yard.  I stuck them in my Klean Kanteen because it was on hand and it matched.

The boys' first time in the "fun" shopping cart.  Is there any going back?  This is another iPhone/Instagram photo.  Obviously the image quality isn't as great as my Canon's, so I'm trying to restrain myself with the Instagram shots for the 365 Project.  But the daily photo I got with my Canon was of an avocado.  An avocado versus these two faces?  Not a tough call.

We've been having some real take-your-shoes-off-and-roll-around-in-the-grass spring weather here.  The boys would spend every minute of the day outside if I'd let them.  (Oh, and spring has sprung up in our blog header, too.  Have you noticed?)

Checking out the sand pit in our neighborhood park.  To me, this photo perfectly captures the not-quite-a-baby-not-quite-a-toddler phase that Tuck's in now.

 Yes, I did get some of those ginkgo sauce dishes from Crate & Barrel that I posted about (and one of the ginkgo plates, not shown here).  And yes, I did put those almonds in the dish just for this photo.  Guilty of food styling!

The boys and I went outside twice on Saturday and played under these gorgeous tulip magnolias.  They smell almost as lovely as they look.  Obviously I've tinkered around a bit with the colors in this one.

And . . . another flowering tree.  This time it's a weeping cherry. What can I say? It was a beautiful weekend, and things are in bloom.

Happy Monday!

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