Monday, April 9, 2012

365 Project: Week Fourteen

Monday was a very special day.  Mr. E and I signed the paperwork to buy a piece of the farm where my mother was born and where I grew up.  We're not planning to move there or do anything with the land in the near future, but it could be a place for us to retire one day.  And it's a wonderful feeling to know that that's our grass and our trees.

The playroom on a quiet Tuesday afternoon.  I took a picture because it's so rarely this neat during the day.  We'd been out all morning, and the boys were napping and hadn't had the chance to wreak havoc yet.

Tuck and Dash playing together in the driveway.  It's so much fun to see them beginning to interact more consistently and more peacefully (not that their play is always peaceful, by any means).

Marbleized eggs.  More about them here.

Dinner time.  Sometimes I eat with the boys, but Friday night I had takeout with Mr. E after we put them to bed.

Saturday evening was the boys' first Easter-egg-dyeing experience.  Tuck was a little young to "get it," but Dash had a blast and would have dyed a hundred if we'd had them.

And Sunday was Easter!  The Easter Bunny visited, and we had an egg hunt in the yard.  And the boys had matching outfits, of course.  Those jeans Dash is wearing used to be the same color as Tuck's, before a whole winter of wear and washings.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the beautiful property you just bought! How special to have that! Your home is lovely; even your playroom looks pretty and peaceful.
